Lot 1905
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
NETHERLANDS, Medal of the Amsterdam Commission, 1832, in bronze (51mm), by Van Der Keller, as awarded to Infantry and Artillery men involved in the defence ...
Estimate $80
SOLD $80
Lot 1906
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
NETHERLANDS, Unveiling of the Statue of Rembrandt van Rhyn, 27 May 1852, in aluminium (27mm), by De Vries Jr, obverse, bust of Rembrandt left, reverse, ...
Estimate $100
SOLD $50
Lot 1907
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
NETHERLANDS, Willem Barents, (issued 1944 as 350th commemorative of the Dutch navigator's first Arctic voyage), in white metal (59mm), by Mar Rhem (Hans Rhem), obverse, ...
Estimate $50
SOLD $30
Lot 1908
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
NEW CALEDONIA, Centenary of French Presence in New Caledonia, 1853-1953, in bright oxidised bronze (59mm), by R.B.Baron, obverse, the emblematic bird of New Caledonia, the ...
Estimate $150
SOLD $120
Lot 1909
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
RHODESIA, cased set of five gold plated medals each commemorating significant events in Rhodesian history; another, Rhodesian Independence, 11.11.1965 in bronze and with case. Uncirculated. ...
Estimate $70
SOLD $60
Lot 1910
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
RUSSIA, Nicholas II, award medal in silver (44mm). Brushed, otherwise nearly extremely fine.
Estimate $100
SOLD $280
Lot 1911
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
SOUTHERN RHODESIA, 40th Anniversary of the Occupation of Matabeleland, 1933, in bronze (33.5mm), with ring for suspension loop, obverse, sable antelope left with balancing rocks ...
Estimate $60
SOLD $60
Lot 1912
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
SOUTH AFRICA, Natal Coronation of King Edward VII medal, 1902, in silver (29mm), by J&S (Joseph and Sons, Port Elizabeth), pierced hole for suspension ring. ...
Estimate $60
SOLD $70
Lot 1913
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
SOUTH AFRICA, Paul Kruger Funeral, 1904, in bronze (28mm), ring top suspension with black ribbon bow; Commemorate the Union of South Africa, 1910, in zinc ...
Estimate $180
SOLD $130
Lot 1914
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
SOUTH AFRICAN RAILWAYS, (SAR) (16) and South African Railway & Harbours (SAR & H) (1), metal badges and a cloth cap badge, c1950-60s era (18, ...
Estimate $160
SOLD $150
Lot 1915
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
SPAIN, Isabel II (1833-1868), Tribute to Heroic Deeds of Regiment of Engineers, 1847, in bronze (56.5mm), by Pingret, obverse, crowned head of Isabel II to ...
Estimate $80
SOLD $80
Lot 1916
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
SWEDEN, 25th Anniversary of Aktiebolaget Separator (Cream Separator), Stockholm, 1883-1908, in silver (50mm; 72.13g), by Erik Lindberg, obverse, jugate busts to right of inventors, Gustaf ...
Estimate $130
SOLD $170
Lot 1917
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
SWITZERLAND, Geneva, Shooting Festival 1887, in silver (45mm, 38.8g) by E.Lorsier in H.Bovy. Good very fine.
Estimate $150
Lot 1918
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
THAILAND, Thai Sikh No 6 Mini Marathon, 11 Jan 1991, 1st place medal, in silvered and gilt (80mm), scroll and ring top suspension for neck ...
Estimate $70
Lot 1919
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
USA, 49TH ANNUAL ENCAMPMENT OF GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC AT WUSAU, 1915, in bronze (38.5mm), pierced hole for suspension, obverse, memorial and around the ...
Estimate $70
Lot 1920
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
USA, PANAMA PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION, San Francisco, 1915, in bronze (38mm); C.M.T.C. (Citizens Military Training Camps), Camp Dix, N.J., (19)38, prize medal in gilt (19.5x33mm), ...
Estimate $70
SOLD $50
Lot 1921
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
USA, 150TH ANNIVERSARY OF BATTLE OF LEXINGTON, 1775-1925, in silver (31mm), by Whitehead-Hoag; Sesqui-Centennial Celebration Battle of Lexington, Kentucky, 1775-1925, in silver (32mm). Uncirculated. (2)
Estimate $80
SOLD $100
Lot 1922
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
USA, IOOF (INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS) WEBBERS FALLS LODGE NO. 107, Member jewel in voided gilt bronze and enamel (50x53mm), by Whitehead & Hoag ...
Estimate $70
Lot 1923
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
USA, THE LEGACY OF JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY, set of thirty six one ounce pure silver medals each depicting significant moments in Kennedy's life; another set ...
Estimate $120
SOLD $1,500
Lot 1924
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
USA, "A COIN HISTORY OF OUR PRESIDENTS" 1ST PRESIDENT - 38TH PRESIDENT, in base metal and in official album; Eisenhower and Nixon medals, in base ...
Estimate $100
SOLD $60
Lot 1925
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
USA, FIRST NATIONAL CITY BANK, 150 Years of Service, 1812-1962, in oxidised bronze (76mm), by Medallic Art Co, N.Y.; also Canada, General Motors, 1930s, badges ...
Estimate $80
SOLD $90
Lot 1926
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
VATICAN CITY, Pope Pius IX, 1869, in bronze (74mm), by I. & F. Bianchi, obverse bust of Pope Pius IX left, reverse, Christ with disciples ...
Estimate $70
SOLD $80
Lot 1927
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
WORLD MEDALS, Australia, Royal Visit, 1954, in gilded aluminium (39mm) (CD.1954/9); Australian Bicentenary, undated (1988), in enamel and silvered (42mm) award medal; New Zealand, Otago ...
Estimate $50
SOLD $40
Lot 1928
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
WORLD CYCLING MEDALS, includes Australian and European issues in silvered (2), gilt (2), gilt and silvered (3), gilt and enamel, gilt and bronze, various shapes ...
Estimate $50
SOLD $100
Lot 1929
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
WORLD SPORT'S MEDALS, includes Australia, Northern Territory Little Athletics Association, Territory Championships, undated, in bronze (50mm); Belgium, Royal Rasante Tennis Club, Brussels, in bronze (45x85mm), ...
Estimate $60
SOLD $50
Lot 1930
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
WORLD MEDALS AND BADGES, includes Australia, The Tail-Waggers' Club dog tag in brass (some oxidation areas); Freedom From Hunger badges (2); NSW Police Service (missing ...
Estimate $50
SOLD $80
Lot 1931
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
WORLD, includes Belgium, Currency of Bruxelles medal, 1910, in bronze (30mm); Prussia, Friedrichskron, Potsdam medal, (1888), in bronze (21mm), ring top suspension; Egypt, N.D. De ...
Estimate $60
SOLD $40
Lot 1932
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
WORLD MEDALS, includes Belgium, Lokeren Medal of Gratitude, undated, in silvered (50mm); France, National Acclimatisation Society, (1912), in silver (50mm), reverse inscribed, 'H.E.Dennis/Mammalogie (Mammology)/1912'; Electricty ...
Estimate $60
SOLD $40
Lot 1933
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
WORLD MEDALS, includes China, People's Republic, Jia Yu Pass commemorative medal in darkened bronze (59mm), features the frontier fortress at the west end of the ...
Estimate $60
SOLD $100
Lot 1934
Sale 130 World Historical Medals
WORLD MEDALS, includes Denmark, 3rd Scandinavian Shooting Party and 6th Danish Shooting and Gymnastics Party, 1901, in bronze (43mm), by A.Dragsted, with ring top suspension; ...
Estimate $150
SOLD $90