

Results 3,151–3,180 of 3,986
Page 106 of 133

Lot 3151

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE (MOESIA INFERIOR), Istros, (400-350 B.C.), silver obol or trihemiobol, (0.83 grams), obv. two young male heads facing, side by side, left upright, right inverted, ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $190

Lot 3152

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE (MOESIA INFERIOR), Istros, (400-350 B.C.), silver stater, (5.644 grams), obv. two young male heads facing, side by side, left upright, right inverted, rev. sea-eagle ...

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Estimate $800
SOLD $740

Lot 3153

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE (MOESIA INFERIOR), Marcianopolis, Caracalla, (A.D. 198-217), AE 26, (10.236 grams), obv. Caracalla laureate bust draped and cuirassed to right, around AVT M APH**LI ANTW*NEINOC, ...

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Estimate $160
SOLD $120

Lot 3154

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, (Moesia Inferior), Marcianopolis, Macrinus, (A.D. 217-218), AE 25, (9.398 grams), obv. laureate cuirassed bust of Macrinus to right, around AVT K O**PELLI* CEVH MAKPEINOC, ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $100

Lot 3155

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, (Moesia Inferior), Nicopolis ad Istrum, Septimius Severus, (A.D. 193-211), AE 18, (2.69 grams), obv. laureate head of Severus to right, around AV K **L* ...

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Estimate $80
SOLD $80

Lot 3156

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, (Moesia Inferior), Nicopolis ad Istrum, Macrinus, (A.D. 217-218), AE 25, (11.562 grams), obv. laureate cuirassed bust of Macrinus to right, around AVT K M ...

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Estimate $180

Lot 3157

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, (Moesia Inferior), Nicopolis ad Istrum, Diadumenian, (A.D. 217-218), AE 29, (13.655 grams), obv. bare head of Diadumenian to right, around KM O**PPELA ANTWNI DIADOUMENIANO* ...

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Estimate $150

Lot 3158

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, (Moesia Inferior), Nicopolis ad Istrum, Elagabalus, (A.D. 218-222), AE 25, (10.892 grams), obv. laureate draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus to right, around AVT ...

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Estimate $160
SOLD $125

Lot 3159

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, Abdera, (386/5-375 B.C.), silver hemidrachm, (2.874 grams), obv. griffin springing to left off short base, rev. **[A]QH/N HS* above a stag standing to left, ...

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Estimate $500
SOLD $600

Lot 3160

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, Anchialus, Septimius Severus, (A.D. 193-211), AE 26, (11.880 grams), obv. draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus to right, around AV K **L* CE**P*T ...

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Estimate $160
SOLD $130

Lot 3161

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, Anchialus, Septimius Severus, (A.D. 193-211), AE 26, (11.044 grams), obv. Septimius Severus laureate draped and cuirassed bust to right, around AV K **L* CE**P*T ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $150

Lot 3162

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, Anchialus, Gordian III and Tranquillina, (A.D. 238-244), AE 25, (11.542 grams), obv. Gordian III laureate draped and cuirassed bust to right facing Tranquillina draped ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $170

Lot 3163

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, Cherronesos, (400-350 B.C.), silver hemidrachm, (2.188 grams), obv. forepart of lion to right looking back, rev. dot and bunch of grapes in opposite quarter, ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $100

Lot 3164

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, Cherronesos, (400-350 B.C.), silver hemidrachm, (2.156 grams), obv. forepart of lion to right looking back, rev. dot and uncertain symbol in opposite quarter, (cf.S.1604, ...

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Estimate $80
SOLD $70

Lot 3165

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, Deultum, Tranquillina, wife of Gordian III, (A.D. 238-244), AE 23, (5.825 grams), obv. Tranquillina draped bust to right, around SAB, TPANQVILLINA AVG, rev. Demeter ...

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Estimate $200

Lot 3166

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, Kallatis, (3rd-2nd century B.C.), silver drachm (or octobol Sear) (5.58 grams), obv. head of young Herakles to right clad in lion skin, rev. weak ...

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Estimate $400
SOLD $300

Lot 3167

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, Kallatis, (3rd-2nd century B.C.), silver drachm (or octobol Sear) (5.912 grams), obv. head of young Herakles to right clad in lion skin, rev. **[K]ALLATIA* ...

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Estimate $400

Lot 3168

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, Maroneia, (late 2nd century B.C.), AE 29, (12.415 grams), obv. head of young Dionysos to right, wreathed with ivy, rev. Dionysos naked standing left, ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 3169

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, Mesembria, (450-350 B.C.), silver diobol (1.17 grams), obv. crested helmet facing, rev. **META* in four quarters of a radiate wheel, (S.1673; SNG BMC 268-271, ...

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Estimate $140
SOLD $160

Lot 3170

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, Mesembria, (400-350 B.C.), AE 15, (3.28 grams), obv. crested helmet facing, rev. **META* in four quarters of a radiate wheel, (S.1675; SNG BMC 272-273, ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 3171

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, Mesembria, (2nd century B.C.), AE 20, (5.40 grams), obv. diademed female head to right, dotted border, rev. Athena Alkidemos advancing left, brandishing a spear ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 3172

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, Mesembria, (2nd century B.C.), AE 24, (7.83 grams), obv. diademed female head to right, plain border, rev. Athena Alkidemos advancing left, brandishing a spear ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 3173

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, Pautalia, Caracalla, (A.D. 193-217), AE 28, (18.102 grams), obv. Laureate draped and cuirassed bust to right of Caracalla, around AVT K M AVPH ANT**W*NEINOC, ...

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Estimate $160
SOLD $160

Lot 3174

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, Tomis, Gordian III and Tranquillina, (A.D. 238-244), AE 25, (10.995 grams), obv. Gordian III laureate draped and cuirassed bust to right facing Tranquillina draped ...

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Estimate $140

Lot 3175

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, Kingdom of, Seuthes III as king of the Odrysai, (c.324 B.C.), AE 20, (7.42 grams), uncertain mint, issued c.324 B.C., obv. laureate head of ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 3176

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, Island off Thrace, Thasos, (c.early 5th century B.C.), silver stater, (8.148 grams), obv. naked ithyphallic Satyr (classical style) in kneeling running attitude carrying off ...

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Estimate $1,000
SOLD $780

Lot 3177

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, islands of, Thasos, (411-350 B.C.), silver trihemiobol, (0.812 grams), obv. Satyr with kylix running to left, rev. amphora, around **QAS IWN* all within incuse ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $160

Lot 3178

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, Kingdom of, Lysimachus, (323-281 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (17.155 grams), Magnesia mint, issued 297/6-282/1 B.C., obv. head of Alexander to right, with diadem and horn ...

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Estimate $2,500

Lot 3179

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, Kingdom of, Lysimachus, (323-281 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (16.993 grams), uncertain mint, issued c.297/6-282/1 B.C., obv. head of Alexander to right, (eye looking upwards), with ...

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Estimate $2,600
SOLD $2,200

Lot 3180

Sale 70   Greek Silver & Bronze

THRACE, Kingdom of Lysimachus, (323-281 B.C.), silver drachm, (4.314 grams), Colophon mint, struck 299/8-297/6 B.C., obv. head of Herakles to right wearing lion skin, with ...

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Estimate $700
SOLD $840