

Results 2,641–2,670 of 3,342
Page 89 of 112

Lot 2641

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

MOESIA INFERIOR, Istrus, Septimius Severus, (AD 193-211), AE 29mm (15.46 g), obv. laureate head right, rev. Kybele seated left, holding phiale, resting elbow on drum, ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $90

Lot 2642

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

MOESIA INFERIOR, Marcianopolis, Septimius Severus, (AD 193-211), AE 25mm (10.48 g), Faustinianus, legatus consularis, obv. laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, rev. Cybele seated left, ...

View Lot

Estimate $150
SOLD $220

Lot 2643

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

MOESIA INFERIOR, Marcianopolis, Septimius Severus and Julia Domna, (AD 193-211), AE pentassarion, 27mm (12.27 g), obv. Septimius Severus to right vis-a-vis Julia Domna to left, ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $80

Lot 2644

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

MOESIA INFERIOR, Marcianopolis, Caracalla, (AD 198-217), AE 25mm (11.02 g), Julius Faustinianus, consular legate, obv. laureate head right, rev. Cybele seated left between lion and ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $160

Lot 2645

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

MOESIA INFERIOR, Marcianopolis, Caracalla and Geta, (AD 198-209) AE pentassarion, 27mm, (11.89 g), Flavius Ulpianus, consular legate, obv. laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right of ...

View Lot

Estimate $100
SOLD $120

Lot 2646

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

MOESIA INFERIOR, Marcianopolis, Geta as Caesar, (AD 198-209), AE 27mm (10.18 g), Aurelius Gallus, consular legate, obv. bare-headed and draped bust right, rev. Dionysus standing ...

View Lot

Estimate $100
SOLD $130

Lot 2647

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

MOESIA INFERIOR, Marcianopolis, Macrinus, (AD 217-218), AE 25mm (10.99 g). P. Fu... Pontianus, consular legate, obv. laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev. Tyche standing left, ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $220

Lot 2648

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

MOESIA INFERIOR, Marcianopolis, Elagabalus, (AD 218-222), AE 16mm, (3.16 g), obv. laureate head right, rev. Nemesis standing left, holding scales and rod, (AMNG I 904 ...

View Lot

Estimate $120
SOLD $190

Lot 2649

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

MOESIA INFERIOR, Nicopolis ad Istrum, Plautilla, Augusta, (AD 202-205), AE 27mm (12.40 g), L. Aurelius Gallus, consular legate, obv. diademed and draped bust right, rev. ...

View Lot

Estimate $120
SOLD $190

Lot 2650

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

MOESIA INFERIOR, Nicopolis ad Istrum, Macrinus, (AD 217-218), AE 27mm (13.55 g), obv. laureate and cuirassed bust right, rev. Fortuna standing left, holding rudder on ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $220

Lot 2651

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

MOESIA INFERIOR, Nicopolis ad Istrum, Diadumenian, as Caesar, (AD 217-218), AE 27mm (13.69 g), Agrippa, consular legate, obv. bare head right, rev. river-god (Danube?) seated ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $150

Lot 2652

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

MOESIA INFERIOR, Nicopolis ad Istrum, Elagabalus, (AD 218-222), AE 26mm (13.29 g), Novius Rufus, consular legate, obv. radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, nimbate serpent, ...

View Lot

Estimate $200
SOLD $360

Lot 2653

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

MOESIA INFERIOR, Nicopolis ad Istrum, Gordian III, (AD 238-244) AE 28mm (15.25 g), Sab(inius?) Modestus, consular legate, obv. laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, rev. ...

View Lot

Estimate $200
SOLD $400

Lot 2654

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

MOESIA INFERIOR, Tomis, Septimius Severus, (AD 193-211), AE tetrassarion 27mm, (11.35 g), obv. laureate head right, rev. Artemis standing right, holding long torch in both ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $320

Lot 2655

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

MOESIA SUPERIOR, Viminacium, Gordian III, (AD 238-244), AE 30mm (20.94 g), dated local era year 4 (AD 242/243), obv. laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, ...

View Lot

Estimate $60
SOLD $110

Lot 2656

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

MOESIA SUPERIOR, Viminacium, Philip I, (AD 244-249), AE 28mm (17.39 g), dated local era year 9 (AD 248), obv. laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $140

Lot 2657

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

THRACE, Anchialus, Greek Imperial with emperor and empress portraits, various issues all in packets described, including Gordian III and Tranquillina, (AD 238-244), AE 28mm, (12.27 ...

View Lot

Estimate $150
SOLD $280

Lot 2658

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

THRACE, Augusta Trajana, Greek Imperial with emperor portraits, various issues all in packets described, including Caracalla, (AD 198-217), AE 31mm, (17.79 g), obv. laureate bust ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $280

Lot 2659

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

THRACE, Bizya, Marcus Aurelius, (A.D. 161-180), AE 26, (9.89 g), obv. bare head to right of Marcus Aurelius, around M AVPH**LIO*C OV HPOC KAICAP, rev. ...

View Lot

Estimate $100
SOLD $150

Lot 2660

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

THRACE, Hadrianopolis, Greek Imperial with emperor portraits, various issues all in packets described, including Caracalla, (AD 198-217), AE 28mm, (12.26 g), obv. laureate bust right, ...

View Lot

Estimate $200
SOLD $340

Lot 2661

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

THRACE, Pautalia, various issues all in packets described, including Marcus Aurelius as Caesar, (AD 139-161), AE 20mm, (4.68 g), obv. bare-headed bust to left, rev. ...

View Lot

Estimate $200
SOLD $200

Lot 2662

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

THRACE, Perinthos, various issues all in packets described, including Nero, (AD 54-68), AE 19mm, (18.31 g), obv. Nero Laureated head to left, rev. legend in ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $130

Lot 2663

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

THRACE, Philippopolis, various issues, including Commodus, (AD 177-192), AE 18mm, (4.49 g), obv. laureate head to right, rev. eagle standing right on altar, trees and ...

View Lot

Estimate $200
SOLD $300

Lot 2664

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

THRACE, Philippopolis, various issues all in packets described, including Antoninus Pius, (AD 138-161), AE 32mm, (21.93 g), Pontius Sabinus governor, obv. laureate draped and cuirassed ...

View Lot

Estimate $200
SOLD $280

Lot 2665

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

THRACE, Philippopolis, various issues all in packets described, including Elagabalus, (AD 218-222), AE 29mm, (14.88 g), obv. laureate draped and cuirassed bust to right, rev. ...

View Lot

Estimate $400
SOLD $700

Lot 2666

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

THRACE, Serdica, Greek Imperial with emperor portraits, various issues all in packets described, Caracalla, (AD 198-217), AE 31mm, (15.64 g), obv. laureate draped cuirassed bust ...

View Lot

Estimate $250
SOLD $190

Lot 2667

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

THRACE, Serdica, Greek Imperial with emperor portraits, various issues all in packets described, Caracalla, (AD 198-217), AE 30mm, (12.27 g), obv. laureate draped cuirassed bust ...

View Lot

Estimate $200
SOLD $240

Lot 2668

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

THRACE, Greek Imperial with emperor portraits, various issues all in packets described, including Mesembria, Gordian III and Tranquillina, (AD 238-244), AE 25mm, (10.51 g), obv. ...

View Lot

Estimate $200
SOLD $260

Lot 2669

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

THRACE, Greek Imperial with emperor portraits, various issues all in packets described, including Bizya, Philip I, (AD 244-249), AE 29mm, (14.35 g), obv. laureate and ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $130

Lot 2670

Sale 136   Roman Provincial

MACEDON, Thessalonica, Divus Julius Caesar and Octavian, (28-27 B.C.), AE 25, (11.12 g), obv. wreathed head of Julius Caesar right, countermarked ligate NK in circle, ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $240