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Lot 3533

Sale 100 (Jul 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PALESTINE, Roman Procurator of Judaea, Pontius Pilate, under Tiberius, (A.D. 26-36), copper prutah, (1.61 and 2.39 gm), obv. three bound ears of barley, partial legend ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $70

Lot 3534

Sale 100 (Jul 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PALESTINE, Roman Procurator of Judaea, Pontius Pilate, under Tiberius, (A.D. 26-36), copper prutah, (1.75 gm), obv. lituus surrounded by Greek inscription, traces of TIBEPIOY KAICAPOC, ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $100

Lot 3535

Sale 100 (Jul 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PALESTINE, Roman Procurator of Judaea, Pontius Pilate, under Tiberius, (A.D. 26-36), copper prutah, (1,89 gm), obv. lituus surrounded by Greek inscription, representing TIBEPIOY KAICAPOC, rev. ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $70

Lot 3536

Sale 100 (Jul 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PALESTINE, Judaea, Second Revolt or Bar Kochba War, (A.D. 132-135), silver denarius or zuz, (2.87 grams), undated, but attributed to year 3, A.D. 134-5, obv. ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $400

Lot 3537

Sale 100 (Jul 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

EGYPT, Kingdom of, Ptolemy II Philadelphus, (285-246 B.C.), silver decadrachm, (34.65 gm), Alexandria mint, obv. veiled head of Arsinoe to right, wearing stephane, behind **L*, ...

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Estimate $6,000
SOLD $5,800

Lot 3538

Sale 100 (Jul 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

EGYPT, Kingdom of, Ptolemy VI, (180-145 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, issued 161-160 B.C., (13.52 grams), Paphos mint, obv. diademed head of Ptolemy I to right, with ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $160

Lot 3539

Sale 100 (Jul 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

EGYPT, Alexandria, Severus Alexander, (A.D. 222-235), billon tetradrachm, year 6 = A.D.226-227, (11.90 gm), obv. laureate bust right, legend around, rev. Athena seated to left, ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $140

Lot 3540

Sale 100 (Jul 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

AXUMITE, Wazena (c.670-690 A.D.), copper unit, (1.53 gm), no religious symbols, obv. bust to right, holding wheat stalk, legend around [He who is suitable for ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $150

Lot 3541

Sale 100 (Jul 12)   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ANCIENT GREEK AND ROMAN, AE issues, including Ptolemy IV, (180-170 B.C.), AE 20, obv. Zeus, rev. two eagles, (2); BI tetradrachms including Commodus, (4); a ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $180

Lot 3285

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   The Tom May Collection - Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

SPAIN, Sekobirikes (Segobriga), (c.early 1st century B.C.), silver denarius (3.76 gm), obv. male head to right, crescent behind, Iberian S below, rev. horseman with lance ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $180

Lot 3286

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   The Tom May Collection - Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

GAUL, Massalia (as a Colony founded by the Phokaians), (c.400-350 B.C.), silver obol, (0.63 gm), obv. youthful male head of Apollo left, rev. wheel with ...

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Estimate $80
SOLD $60

Lot 3287

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   The Tom May Collection - Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

CELTIC, Central Europe, Boii (Boier), Roseldorf II type, 2nd century B.C., silver 9mm, (0.59 gm), obv. blank, rev. galloping horse to left, torque with pellet, ...

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Estimate $50
SOLD $80

Lot 3288

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   The Tom May Collection - Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

CELTIC, Danube and Eastern Region and into the Transylvanian Plain (area of Roman Dacia), imitation of Philip II tetradrachm, (early 3rd century B.C.), silver tetradrachm, ...

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Estimate $250
SOLD $480

Lot 3289

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   The Tom May Collection - Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

CELTIC, Danubian celt Kapostal type silver drachm, (2.60 gm), (c.1st Century B.C.), obv. Head of Zeus to right, rev. rider to left, above a crest ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $220

Lot 3290

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   The Tom May Collection - Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

CELTIC, Danube Region, Imitation of Thasos, (c.1st century B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (16.19 grams), obv. head of young Dionysos to right, wearing ivy wreath, rev. Herakles ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $300

Lot 3291

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   The Tom May Collection - Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ITALY, Campania, Neapolis, (c.300-275 B.C.), silver nomos or didrachm, (7.34 gm), obv. head of nymph right with an astragalos behind, monogram before, rev. man-headed bull ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $450

Lot 3292

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   The Tom May Collection - Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ITALY, Campania, Phistelia, (380-350 B.C.), silver obol, (0.51 gm), obv. bust of male head three quarter face to right, rev. Oscan legend, barley corn between ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $130

Lot 3293

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   The Tom May Collection - Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ITALY, Apulia, Venusia, (268-217 B.C.), AE quincunx, (12.98 grams), obverse, laureate head of Zeus to left, five dots behind, reverse, eagle with wings spread standing ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $180

Lot 3294

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   The Tom May Collection - Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ITALY, Calabria, Tarentum, (c.470-450 B.C.), silver litra (0.72 gm), obv. cockle shell within linear circle, rev. female head of Taras to right, (S.332, Vlasto 1153 ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $140

Lot 3295

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   The Tom May Collection - Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ITALY, Calabria, Tarentum, (c.315-302 B.C.), silver nomos (7.09 gm), obv. warrior, holding shield and two spears, preparing to cast a third, on horseback right, **SA* ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $200

Lot 3296

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   The Tom May Collection - Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ITALY, Calabria, Tarentum (Taras), (4th-3rd century B.C.), silver diobol, (1.24 gm), obv. head of Athena to right wearing crested Corinthian helmet, ornamented with Skylla, rev. ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $420

Lot 3297

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   The Tom May Collection - Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ITALY, Calabria, Tarentum, (420-227 B.C.), silver obol, (0.75 gm), obv.scallop-shell, rev. dolphin to right, star above, below dolphin **FI*, (cf.S.355, Vlasto 1491, SNG ANS 1488). ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $340

Lot 3298

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   The Tom May Collection - Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ITALY, Lucania, Herakleia, (432-420 B.C.), silver diobol, (1.04 grams), obv. head of young Herakles to right, wearing lion skin, rev. lion running right, E H ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $140

Lot 3299

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   The Tom May Collection - Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ITALY, Lucania, Metapontion, (c.500-465 B.C.), silver diobol (0.99 gm), obv. six-grained ear of barley MET on right, rev. incuse bucranium, (S.239, Noe 275-282; SNG ANS ...

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Estimate $200
SOLD $300

Lot 3300

Sale 99 (Apr 12)   The Tom May Collection - Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ITALY, Lucania, Metapontion, (c. 470-440 B.C.), silver diobol (0.98 gm), obv. barley-ear with four grains, rev. incuse barley grain, with annulet each side, (S,240. Noe ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $80