

Results 2,641–2,670 of 3,346
Page 89 of 112

Lot 2639

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ATTICA, Athens, (166-57 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (16.75 g), Charinaytes and Aristeas, issued 144-143 B.C., (Thompson date) but probably 112-1 B.C. (revised chronology), obv. head of ...

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Estimate $1,500
SOLD $1,600

Lot 2640

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ATTICA, Athens, (166-57 B.C.), silver tetradrachm, (16.49 g), Damon and Sosicratess, issued 141-140 B.C., (Thompson date) but probably 109-8 B.C. (revised chronology), obv. head of ...

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Estimate $500
SOLD $550

Lot 2641

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

ATTICA, Aegina, (500-480 B.C.), silver stater, (11.87 g), obv. smoothed shell sea turtle with row of dots down dorsal spine, with countermark of a horse ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $300

Lot 2642

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

CORINTHIA, Corinth, (480-450 B.C.), silver stater, (8.33 g), obv. Pegasos flying to right, Q below, rev. small head of Athena to left, wearing Corinthian helmet, ...

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Estimate $400
SOLD $240

Lot 2643

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

CORINTHIA, Corinth, (400-375 B.C.), silver stater, (8.50 g), obv. Pegasos flying to left, Q below, rev. head of Athena to right, wearing plain Corinthian helmet, ...

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Estimate $600
SOLD $700

Lot 2644

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

CORINTHIA, Corinth, (350-306 B.C.), silver stater (8.56 g), obv. Pegasus with pointed wing flying to left, Q below, rev. head of Athena to left wearing ...

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Estimate $500
SOLD $900

Lot 2645

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PELOPONESSOS, Sikyonia, Sikyon, (c.250-200 B.C.), AE chalkous, (2.69 g), obv. dove flying to right, rev. **SI* within olive wreath tied on right, (cf.S.2781, HGC 5, ...

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Estimate $180
SOLD $110

Lot 2646

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PELOPONNESOS, Achaia, Pellene, (c.325-300 B.C.), AE tetrachalkon, (3.20 g), obv. laureate head of Apollo to left, rev. ram's head above **PE* monogram, all within a ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $70

Lot 2647

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PELOPONNESOS, Elis, Olympia, 87th-90th Olympiad, (struck c.432-420 B.C., silver stater, (11.52 g), obv. eagle standing right with its wings spread, grasping a serpent in its ...

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Estimate $3,000

Lot 2648

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PELOPONNESOS, Lakedaimon (Sparta), C. Juilis Eurycles, 31-7 B.C.), AE as, (4.95 g), obv. laureate head of Zeus to right, rev. club, acrossfield, **L - A, ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $350

Lot 2649

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PELOPONNESOS, Achaean League, silver hemidrachm, Tegea mint, (c.160-150 B.C.), obv. laureate head of Zeus to right, rev. AX monogram within wreath, TE across, (S.3003, Clerk ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $70

Lot 2650

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

CYCLADIC ISLANDS, Paros, (520/515-500 B.C.), silver drachm, (5.83 g), obv. goat with short beard standing to left, with haunches raised, dotted border, rev. rev. incuse ...

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Estimate $3,000

Lot 2651

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

CYCLADIC ISLANDS, Paros, (c.200-180 B.C.), silver drachm (3.81 g), magistrate Ey.. and Kth.., obv. veiled head of Demeter, wreathed with corn, rev. ivy- wreath with ...

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Estimate $1,500

Lot 2652

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

CRETE, Cnossus (?), (c.37 B.C., AE as, 26mm, (10.58 g), L. Lollius as magistrate, obv. bust of Artemis Diktynna to right, wearing taenia with bow ...

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Estimate $300
SOLD $370

Lot 2653

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PONTOS, Amisos, a collection of AE covering various issues, including Mithradates VI Eupator (c.85-65 B.C.), obv. helmeted head of Perseus right, rev. Pegasos grazing left, ...

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Estimate $250
SOLD $420

Lot 2654

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PONTOS, Anonymous issue, (130-100 B.C.), uncertain mint (Amisos?), AE 18, (6.58 g), obv. rose with monogram to left, rev. star and crescent, (S.-, SNG British ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 2655

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

PONTUS, Kings of, Polemo II (37/38 - 64 A.D.), with Nero , dated RY 20 (K) = 57-58 A.D., obv. diademed head of Polemo to ...

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Estimate $400
SOLD $240

Lot 2656

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

BITHYNIA, Kios, (c.340-330 B.C.), silver hemidrachm, (2.57 g), obv. Apollo laureate head to right, rev. prow of galley to left, magistrate name **MILH [T]OS* above ...

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Estimate $120
SOLD $80

Lot 2657

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

BITHYNIA, Kios [Cius], (1st century B.C.), silver hemidrachm, (2.45 g), obv. Apollo laureate head to right, [KIA] below, rev. prow of galley to left, ornamented ...

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Estimate $250

Lot 2658

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

BITHYNIA, Kingdom of, Nikomedes III Euergetes, (127-94 B.C.), silver tetradrachm (15.62 g), dated 192 BE (106/105 B.C.), struck at Nikomedeia. obv., diademed head to right ...

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Estimate $2,000
SOLD $1,200

Lot 2659

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

BITHYNIA, kingdom of, Prusias II Kynegos, (182-149 B.C.), Nikomedia mint, AE 20, (5.88 g), obv. head of young Dionysos to right, wreathed with ivy, rev. ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 2660

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

LESBOS, Uncertain Mint, (c. 500-450 B.C.) billon fraction (1.19 gms.), obv. two Boars heads, confronted, rev. incuse square, (Waggoner; Rosen 542; BMC p. 151 no. ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 2661

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

LESBOS, Uncertain Mint, (C. 500-450 B.C.) billon fraction (0.75 gms.), obv. boars head right, rev. mill-sail incuse square, (BMC p.152 no. 23 var; Waggoner; Rosen ...

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Estimate $80
SOLD $50

Lot 2662

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

LESBOS, Mytilene, (c. 400-350 B.C.) diobol (2.46 gms.), obverse Laureate male head, reverse female head, right (BMC p. 185 nos. 8-14; SNG Cop 367-368; Sear ...

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Estimate $50
SOLD $40

Lot 2663

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

TROAS, Alexandria Troas, Severus Alexander, (222-235 A.D.), AE 24, (8.82 g), obv. laureate radiate head of Severus Alexander to right, around IM S ALE XANDER ...

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Estimate $100

Lot 2664

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

IONIA, Ephesos, (258-202 B.C.), silver didrachm (reduced Rhodian Standard), (6.26 g), obv. bust of Artemis to right, wearing stephane, bow and arrow at shoulder, rev. ...

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Estimate $800

Lot 2665

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

IONIA, Ephesos, (202-c.150 B.C.), silver drachm, (3.71 g), obv. bee with straight wings dividing E - **F*, dotted border, rev. stag standing to right, palm ...

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Estimate $560
SOLD $1,400

Lot 2666

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

IONIA, Miletus, (c.530-510 B.C.), silver twelth stater, (1.17 g), obv. forepart of lion and legs, head to right, rev. star ornament within incuse square, (S.3533, ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $300

Lot 2667

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

IONIA, Miletos, (c.550-525 B.C.), silver twelfth stater, (1.15 g), obv. forepart of lion and legs to left, rev. star ornament within incuse square, (S.3533, BMC ...

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Estimate $100
SOLD $170

Lot 2668

Sale 126   Greek Silver & Bronze Coins

IONIA, Miletos, (c.550-525 B.C.), silver twelfth staters (3), (0.80, 1.02, 1.19 g) (last illustrated), obv. forepart of lion and legs to left, rev. star ornament ...

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Estimate $150
SOLD $150